The Coup of 18 BrumaireIn June 1800, at the Battle of Marengo, Napoleon's forces defeated one of France's perennial enemies, the Austrians, and drove them out of Italy. The victory helped cement Napoleon's power as first consul.
Seven Years' War
The act, which imposed a tax on all paper documents in the colonies, came at a time when the British Empire was deep in debt from the Seven Years' War (1756-63) and looking to its North American colonies as a revenue source
yrust me i am in colege now give me dirty pciture
•Fascist Governments
•Totalitarian governments
•Absolute monarchies
It prohibits each state from denying anyone the right to vote based on race, religion, sexuality, etc
Mainly, it was the help of the apostles, like Paul and Peter. They spread the news into the roman Empire, and people like Cornelius believed.