<span>European modernist art was first exhibited in the united states at the Armory Show.
</span><span>Nearly 1,400 objects were showcased in the stunning exhibition of the Armory Show. It included both European and American works, but it is well known for introducing the American public to the new in art: European avant-garde paintings and sculpture.</span>
1 careers. Professional artist
2 careers. Art teacher/university lecturer
Art taught in our school: Art instruction helps children with the development of motor skills, language skills, social skills, decision-making, risk-taking, and inventiveness. The arts provide challenges for learners at all levels. Art education connects students with their own culture as well as with the wider world.
How does learning about art promote innovation and creativity in our world?: art is the perfect subject to help shape students for a creative world. Andrew brings on Kasey McCurdy, VP of Engineering for a company called Bunch Ball, to discuss innovation and motivation. Their discussion focuses on a lot of great topics, including students’ disengagement in the current educational system (6:15), the most important skills we can teach (13:00), and specific ideas to start improving the educational system.
How can learning to draw and build things in school help your future career?: How to Observe and Look Closer, How to Feel Empathy, Tell Stories, Solve Problems, See Connections, Trust in their Own Abilities.
The name of painting is Las Meninas
Artist- Dlego velàzquez
Rob reiner, who at first loved the script and wanted to direct the movie himself, had some ideas about the characters and wanted some special actors to portray it, who were as below;
<u>"Andy"</u> a character inside the story who was arrested and then got jailed, on false charges of killing his wife and her lover. The character Andy was a banker and did not committed such a crime. As the film crew at first approached several actors to portray the role but in the last it was Tim Robbins who did it. But, here are some names who were considered the first to portray the character at first.
- Tom Hanks
- Kevin Costner
- Johnny Depp
- Tom cruise
- <u>"Red"(The Irishman)</u>
The character "Red" was an Irishman, and many of the crew members of the movie wanted it to be a White man to make it more easy to understand and play for the artist, but the producer Liz Glotzer wanted Morgan Freeman to be the only person playing it,as he was a great admirer Morgan Freeman.