It entirely depends on the language you are using to implement this.
But generally by the rule of scope, "result" will return null since get() was not defined to accept any argument, and it neither know the global "x" not defined it's own x in the function.
A. f/2.8
A hole within a lens, through which light travels into the camera body is referred to as the APERTURE.
It is typically expressed as "f number" in photography. Basically, a fast lens is any lens with a maximum aperture of f/4 or more i.e f/2.8 , f/1.8 , f/1.4 etc.
The smaller the number is the bigger the maximum aperture is. Hence, the bigger the maximum aperture the more light that your lens will allow in.
Therefore, the ideal aperture settings for a fast lens is f/2.8
for count in range (5,8): numA=numA+count print(numA)
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One surface is larger than the other surface