Angiosperms are flowering plants, so I'd say flowers and the parts of flowers are a pretty common characteristic.
There is no video but ecological relationship will be defined on a general note and it is not always beneficial to organisms.
In an ecosystem, organisms of the same or different species tend to interact with one another. This interaction is referred to as ECOLOGICAL RELATIONSHIP between the involved organisms. An ecological relationship can be of different types depending on the effect.
SYMBIOSIS is an ecological relationship between two organisms that interact together. SYMBIOSIS can either be mutualistic (both organisms benefit), parasitic (one organism loses and one gains), or commensalistic (one organism benefits and one neither benefits or loses). Another ecological relationship is PREDATION, where one organism called the PREDATOR feeds on part or all of another organism called PREY in order to obtain energy.
As stated above, some of the organisms involved in an ecological relationship benefits while others lose. Hence, it is not always a beneficial relationship to organisms.
To help relieve heartburn, a person should take medicine that is 'Over-the-counter (OTC) antacids and acid blockers'.
- Heartburn is a very common symptom of a condition called Gastroesophageal reflux disease.
- This affects the lower part of the esophageal sphincter and also the muscle ring-like connection between the 'esophagus and stomach' which tends to infuse a backward flow of the stomach secretions.
- Along with some dietary and life style changes, the intake of antacids and acid blockers can help in the relieve of the symptoms of occasional heartburn.