<span>7.33 is a bit low. Breathing rapidly gets rid of CO2 a little faster, this reduces carbonic acid in the blood and pH will increase slightly.
a. M_D_
: 9/16 Black furred individuals
b. M__dd
: 3/16 gray furred individuals (1/16 MMdd + 2/16 Mmdd)
c. mmD_
: 3/16 Brow-furred individuals (1/16 mmDD + 2/16 mmDd)
d. mmdd: 1/16 gray furred individuals.
Available data:
- Dense pigment gene, D, codes for melanophilin.
- D allele dominant over d.
- Gene M/m is responsible for the production of the pigment
- M is dominant over m
- If D is present, M/m is expressed
- If dd is present, M/m is not expressed
- DDMM, DdMM, DDMm, DdMm --->Black fur
- DDmm, Ddmm ---> Brown fur
- ddMM, ddMm -----> Light gray fur
Cross: between two dihybrids
Parental) DdMm x DdMm
Phenotype) Black-furred Black-furred
Gametes) DM, Dm, dM, dm DM, Dm, dM, dm
Punnet Square) DM Dm dM dm
Dm DDMm DDmm DdMm Ddmm
dM DdMM DdMm ddMM ddMm
dm DdMm Ddmm ddMm ddmm
F1) 9/16 Black-furred individuals, D-M- (1/16 DDMM + 2/16 DDMm + 2/16
DdMM + 4/16 DdMm)
3/16 Brown-furred individuals, D-mm ( 1/16 DDmm + 2/16 Ddmm)
4/16 Gray-furred individuals, dd-- ( 1/16ddMM + 1/16 ddmm + 2/16 ddMm)
Cellular respiration occurs in animals and plants
by having a high genetic level of melanin in your skin, you're skin is more protected from the ultra violet sun rays. Darker skinned races have more melanin present, these races originate from hot countries where sunlight is often present; the production of melanin in their skin allows them to reflect and inhibits they're skin from becoming extremely damaged. Light skinned races don't have a large amount of melanin due to they're native countries lacking sunlight. This is an evolutionary adaptation of the human race.