Potentiometer, is a measuring instrument which is used to measure electric potential or we can say voltage. It is also act as a voltage divider.
It is a three terminal resistor, if only two terminals are used than it acts as a variable resistor or rheostat. If the contact is placed at the center of its adjustment and the total resistance is 5KOhms, the resistance between each end terminal and adjustable contact is 1/2 x 5 = 2.5kohms because the resistance from either end is equal and equal to half the end to end resistance.
*This question seems like an opinion based question, but here is my opinion on the matter:
Yes the cell phone is changing our views of what is polite and impolite. It is indeed impolite to talk on your phone while you are ordering a drink at Starbucks, because then you aren't focusing on ordering instead you are focused on your phone call which can interfere with your ordering.
Hope this helps!
It does all of these
The stub is able to do all of what we have in this question. It can locate computer connections, locate ports on a computer, transit message to server etc.
in distributed computing, a stub is a piece of code that does the work of converting parameters that are passed between the client and the server at a time of remote procedure call.
The main objective of an RPC is to allow the client to call procedures remotely on another server.
In data presentation of computing
systems and applications, when a user click the submit button on the form, the
name-value pair of each form is sent because it is an open-ended data structure
that allows future extension without altering existing code or data.