Recursion is calling of a function from within that same function
Required: program to return the largest of three numbers.
input parameters, int A,B,C;
int T; // temporary storage
if (A>B) T=A;
else T=B;
if (T>C) print(T);
else print(C);
A. C to clear any previous calculations.
hope it helps...
<span>Natural gas when extracted through human industry will utilise resources to construct the necessary plant and machinery and then result in the consumption of a resource. Therefore this is the technology that cannot be seen as conserving resources.</span>
True is the right answer.
The term net neutrality can be defined as the principle which states that all internet service providers treat all communication channels i.e wired or wireless channels equally.
In net neutrality, there can not be any discrimination on the basis of the website, user, protocol, hardware or application.
In net neutrality, the internet service provider can not charge the user on the basis of some specific content.
Hence the most appropriate answer is true.