Since chloroplast use energy to make food for plant cells (Photosynthesis) I could compare it to lunch money, and how you have to keep refilling up, and up, just to use it again for food, for yourself.
That would be death if you are referring to the human growth cycle
The nucleus contains the <u>DNA</u> (Deoxyribosenucleic Acid). It codes for all the hereditary characteristics an organism has and it is packaged into chromosomes within the nucleus.
Answer the following: A. Agarose gels are used in gel electrophoresis to separate what type of molecules: B. At what concentration range (%) are agarose gels typically used? C. Indicate why the concentration of Agarose is increased or decreased in certain Agarose gel electrophoresis applications? D. Polyacrylamide gels are used to separate what type of molecules?
dr naJiiB ibrahim
A thermometer is used for measuring heat