Where are the conclusions. They thought everything was from the gods above and karma was the gods paying them back
Abraham Afewerki,, ኣብርሃም ኣፈወርቂ (30 January 1966 – 7 October 2006) was an Eritrean singer, songwriter and music producer. Noted for his unique Tigrinya-based compositions and lyrics, he was one of the most recognized figures among Eritrean musicians and celebrities and also the world.
One thing you have to be clear about is which war. I'm taking it to be WWI.
There was a cash crunch after WWI. France was not any kind of a problem with the United States. It's not B.
I better get to the point. It has to do with the fact that the United States couldn't sell an abundance of manufactured goods. A has to do with that, but it wasn't exactly a decline in the manufacturing industry. It was that she couldn't sell what she had in inventory.
Inflation didn't become a problem in a post WWI environment. In fact, the problem was deflation and unemployment in the 30s, but that is a decade away from this question.
This is one of those questions that a guess is as good as an answer. Britain didn't import which is the same thing as a trade imbalance. I would pick E but I think that D is very possible. They are both worded the wrong way.There was a drop off in American Exports. And Farm prices cratered. Does that mean that Americans were buying more British goods. It is not D if America couldn't sell anything to Britain.
That makes E true. I'd pick E, but there's lots of reasons to pick almost anything else except B.
The first battle of Sacketts Harbor, July 19, 1812.