is known to be a gelatinous polymer substance that was commonly used in the
laboratory setting as a substrate. Thus, nutrients agar can grow different types
of microbes such as fungi and bacteria while MacConkey agar is made with bile
salts and crystal violets, these additives cause the agar to only grow Gram –
negative bacteria. However, nutrients agars grow more organisms because it
contains nutrients from either beef broth or yeast extracts when compared with MacConkey
We sprinkle powder on carrom board to make the surface of the board smooth. This reduces the friction between the surface of the carrom board, the striker and the coins. As a result, the coins and the striker can move easily on the carrom board.
Why not use adult stem cells instead of using human embryonic stem cells in research? Human embryonic stem cells are thought to have much greater developmental potential than adult stem cells. ... However, a newer type of reprogrammed adult cells, called induced pluripotent stem cells, has proven to be pluripotent.
After Mitosis the cell completes its division by splitting its cytopplasm and re-building the last line of its cell memebrane