According to sources, the most probable answer to this query is 44–66 point size.
This is because the eyes and the illustration should match the proportion of distance and height factors.
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Answered below
Data values in a program are held in variables. Variables are like containers for holding different types of data. A variable can be identified depending on the kind of data it holds. Variables can hold data types of integers, strings, arrays, lists, sets, Boolean etc. They hold unique data types and a can not hold different data types. Different rules exist for naming variables in different programming languages. A variable name should start with lowercase letters and be descriptive of the data it holds.
The variable used is elevenplus
The above code segment
The variable in the code
In Python, variables are used to take inputs, and they are used to storing values.
On the first line of the program, elevenplus is used to get input for age.
Up till the end of the program, no other variable is introduced.
<em>Hence, the variable in the program is </em><em>elevenplus</em>
a. (p*Main).age = 20;
Pointers use ->
where as normal variable use . to access its members
pMain is the pointer.
*pMain is the value inside pMain.
pMain->age = 20;
This statement equals to
(*pMain).age = 20;
Answer is option a.