At the conclusion of World War I, allied victors took a coercive approach to Germany. Vigorous negotiations culminated in the "war guilt clause" of the Versailles Convention, which established Germany as the primary party responsible for the war and pressured it to pay reparations.
1) The September 11 attacks were a series of airline hijackings attacks committed in 2001 by 19 terrorists associated with the Islamic extremist group al-Qaeda. It was the deadliest terrorist attack on U.S. soil; nearly 3,000 people were killed.
2) Brian Clark was one of only 18 people in the South Tower to escape from a floor where the plane struck
3) Three buildings in the World Trade Center collapsed due to fire-induced structural failure. The South Tower collapsed at 9:59 a.m. having burned for 56 minutes in a fire caused by the impact of United Airlines Flight 175 and the explosion of its fuel. The North Tower collapsed at 10:28 after burning for 102 minutes.
4) The 9/11 terrorist attacks on America caused significant economic damage in the immediate aftermath, rippling through global financial markets. Airlines and insurance companies took the hardest immediate hit, and U.S. stock markets initially fell more than 10% in the days after.
Luther was devoted to the Catholic Church during his early years, growing up with a Catholic education. His feelings of guilt over his own sins drove him to enter a monastery, following a path the church provided for devoting oneself to God.
During his years as a monk, he was trained in theology to become a faculty member at the University of Wittenberg. The more he studied the Bible itself, the more he saw differences between biblical teaching and the policies and practices of the Catholic Church. He began to protest against some of what he saw wrong in the church -- not wanting to break away from the church, but to correct problems.
The higher officials of the Roman Catholic Church reacted violently against Luther, excommunicating him and wanting to silence him and even put him to death. This solidified Luther's conviction that the Catholic Church was wrong, and he became more and more antagonistic against the officialdom of the Roman Church. He went as far as to declare the office of the pope as the Antichrist.