A smile. It's kinda hard not to blink.
Socialism is an economic and political system. It is an economic theory of social organization. It believes that the means of making, moving, and trading wealth should be owned or controlled by the workers.
➡️The Habsburg Period in Spain is the collection of events between the 16th and 17th centuries. ✔️
➡️It begins with the Holy elected emperor of the Roman Empire, Fredrick the III.✔️
➡️The Habsburgs, of Austrian descent, was the dominant ruling family at the time; the most significant rulers are noted as Charles I and Phillip II.✔️
The House Un-American Acitivities Committee (HUAC) was a federal agency that sought out communism in the United States. The goal was to expose supposed communists or individuals with connections to the Soviet Union.
This had an enormous impact on the filmmaking industry. Filmmakers were sure to produce movies that were extremely patriotic and painted America in a positive light. Along with this, Hollywood filmmakers associated with communism were called into hearings by the government. Ten of these filmmakers refused to answer questions by the HUAC, as they felt their constitutional rights were being violated. These ten filmmakers, now known as the Hollywood Ten, were blacklisted in the industry and their careers were never able to recover.
Emperor Wu-ti launched attacks against groups that pose threats against the empire. He deemed this the right decision to solve the problem right away. He was determined to win and sent troops after troops into the battlefield. Because of this, he was able to expand China's control. On another hand, he also exhausted their resources due to allocating most of the empire's income to the military forces. He needed to look for another way to expand their income. He did this by passing a decree that the state can monopolize the salt, wine, and iron.