opposite of thank you ....
Answer: C I’m not 100% sure that is it because you have no explanation of your question.
aba, bcb, cdc, and ded followed by a rhyming ee couplet.
Though religious toleration was becoming even more popular in the colonies, there was still lots of discrimination and unequal representation. This oppression of certain religions, especially Jews, was a certain mirror to slavery.
The tradition of an anti-Catholicism America was deeply degraded by the War of Independence. With the Second Continental Congress granting safety to those living in Quebec who joined in the struggle against the British, religious tolerance, and the alliance with a predominantly Catholic French nation, Catholicism gained some ground.
Jefferson drafted up a Bill for Establishing Religious Freedom in 1779. This bill eliminated religious requirements for voting, stopped government funding of churches, and barred the state from "forcing" people to adopt a certain religion.
A sharp line was drawn between public authority and the realm defined as "private," only reinforcing the notion that rights exist as restraints on the power of government. The effort of religious freedom gave an impetus for the influence of religion in America. Religious freedom came to be another justification as to why the United States was a beacon of liberty.
The correct answer is:
Nonverbal behavior
The nonverbal behavior communicative process refers to the capacity that human beings have for transmitting a message without using verbal language. This kind of communication includes several resources such as gestures, hands position, postures, way of looking, which are employed even in verbal conversations. In the majority of the cases, it is possible to say that it includes additional messages to the communicative process.