I do not think that Shakespeare sees evil as stronger than good or human
understanding because in the end, Scotland is returned to her rightful
king and Malcolm is an element of good in the play. Macbeth certainly
is taken over by his greed and ambition, and a sense of evil gets the
better of him and clouds his good judgment. However, evil overall does
not reign supreme, and the audience sees the harm that evil has caused
to Macbeth throughout the play. He has lost his wife, the loyalty of
his subjects, and his integrity. Macbeth knows that he should grow old
in the company of friends, but he acknowledges that he is now alone. So
evil does not overcome good in the end--evil leaves Scotland with the
beheading of Macbeth.
- hope this helps
1. Our team will win the painting competition.
2. Has the Principal called you?
3. Leave the wet towels in the washroom.
4. The book was stoled by a boy.
5. The room is cleaned by the maid.
6. An orientation video will be watched by the staff.
In grammar, the term <em>voice</em><em> </em>refers to the relationship between the action or state expressed by the verb and the participants expressed by the subject, object, and other elements of the sentence. There are two voices in English:
The active voice - the sentence has a subject that acts upon its verb (e.g <em>John is reading a book</em>).
The passive voice - the subject is the recipient of a verb's action (e.g. <em>The book is being read by John</em>).
You can see an illustration of how voice can be changed below:
No, death of Mercutio does not seem to be justified.
Death of Mercutio can not be justified because his death was accidental.
Neither Tybalt's death seem to be justified.
Romeo and Juliet is a Romantic Tragedy written by William Shakespeare.
In Act 3, Scene 1, of the play, in a feud between Tybalt and Mercutio, Mercutio was killed accidentally by Tybalt. Tybalt and Mercutio entered the sword fight after Tybalt continues to instigate Romeo for fight and Mercutio, being hot-tempered, challenged Tybalt for the feud. To stop the fight, Romeo enters the feud and in this, Tybalt's sword escapes Romeo's arm and stabs Mercutio to death.
So, this shows that Mercutio does not seem to die and his death can not be justified as his death was an accident.
Death of Tybalt also does not seem to be justified as he was killed in anger by Romeo to avenge the death of his friend, Mercutio. After killing Tybalt, Romeo also seem to realize that he should not have killed Tybalt.