The Allied Victory and the Creation of the United Nations did not lead to a more peaceful world as President Roosevelt had hoped because the Soviet Union violates the Declaration of Liberated Europe. What happened is that <span>the United States and the Soviet Union became increasingly hostile toward each other which resulted in the Cold War. Hope this helps.</span>
<span>Syphilis is a disease which spreads mainly due to sexual contact and starts as a painless sore
There are two theories regarding it but prominent one is The Columbian theory
This theory states that during the voyage of Columbus maany of his crew members came into contact with syphilis bacteria and later when they joined the army of King Charles VIII it spread in euriope
In the second theory people believe that there were symptoms of syphilis even before the Columbian Voyage and the symptoms of syphilis in its tertiary form were described by Hippocrates in Classical Greece</span>
Your answer would be Tonkin
Clemency is the judiscial powers of mercy that may be shown towards those convicted of a crime.