The War that Made America is a PBS miniseries (produced by WQED Pittsburgh) about the French and Indian War, which was first aired in two parts on January 18 and 25, 2006. The series features extensive reenactments of historical events, with on-screen narration provided by Canadian actor Graham Greene. Much of the story focuses upon George Washington, connecting his role in the war with the later American Revolution. Pontiac's War, which followed the French and Indian War, is also covered in the series. The series was filmed in June, July, and August 2004 in and around the Western Pennsylvania region where many events actually took place during the war.
The book that accompanies the series is The War that Made America: A Short History of the French and Indian War (2005), by historian Fred Anderson.
Besides Washington, historical people portrayed prominently in the film include:
Tanacharison ("Half King")
Sir William Johnson
Edward Braddock
James Smith
Louis-Joseph de Montcalm
Theyanoguin ("King Hendrick")
Mary Jemison
Jeffery Amherst
Civil wars. Probably the most important single cause of Byzantium's collapse was its recurrent debilitating civil wars. Three of the worst periods of civil war and internal infighting took place during Byzantium's decline.
Speeches, petitions and parades. For the second one btw
Like the modern bubonic plague, scientists believe the Plague of Justinian spread through fleas. Studies indicate the plague may have originated in China or India and was then transported to the fertile valleys of Egypt through trade routes.
I think the answers should be A, C, and, E.
Hope this Helps! :)