An adversary system is a legal system used in the common law countries where two advocates represent their parties' case or position before an impartial person or group of people
For statement 1. The unemployment rate is high as Tim must have tried is best and the labour force rate is also low because he gave up looking and retires, this must have an impact on labour force.
For statement 2, unemployment rate will reduce or a quota will contribute to the reduction of unemployment rate If she gets a job. And labour force will increase.
For statement 3, Brian decision will have a major negative impact on the unemployment rate and labour force because of lack of interest.
For statement 4, this is an accident which will definitely have an impact on unemployment rate and labour force, a live is lost.
Get in touch with your local Jehovah's Witness branch. They can give you an earful on this subject.
They have religious reasons for objecting to transfusions. When it comes to children, the courts have overruled them saying that the welfare of the child is more important than any medical objection or argument that the witnesses may have.
People with Leukemia at some point in course of their disease, may need a transfusion. Nothing else will do. The cells in blood fight foreign antibodies and transport oxygen to organs that need it. If a patient's own blood can't do it, then a transfusion becomes necessary.
The courts have a right to dictate terms when children are involved. The courts do not have the same right with adults. If an adult chooses to end the suffering, they have that right. There even comes a point (in Canada at least) where death is an option. But an individual patient must give knowledgeable consent to taking his own life.
So medicine has a say in some things and not in others. In the United States, the population has not given up on the rights of the 1st amendment. And medicine can override even those rights.
A decrease or increase of a certain population can affect the food chain of an ecosystem
Lets say bugs start dying at a rapid rate in an swamp ecosystem
The frog population would then decrease because they have no bugs to eat
The frog’s predators would then decrease because of the number of frogs to eat are decreasing.
So on and so forth.
Hope this helps!
According to behaviorists, operant conditioning may play a key role in how the rewarding effects of drugs lead to substance use disorders.
According to Skinner, operant conditioning is a learning method that takes place employing rewards and punishments as a response to a particular behavior. Operant conditioning determines how an individual associates a specific behavior and its consequences, such as drugs consumption and its effects.