Out of all the taxonomic categories, the Kingdom is the least specific, which means it has the least filters.
I like to think of taxonomic categories as filters/sieves. If you put your animals through the Kingdom filter, then all the animals are in that category. if you have a finer sieve, then less animals get through, this goes down all the way to the most specific which is Species.
Hope this helps!
because water is continuously cycled from land to the atmosphere and back
With careful management and responsible usage, water is a renewable resource.
He first divided all living organisms in 2 groups
Animal or Plant
He then put these into subgroups
Animal subgroups: land, water, air
Plant subgroups, small medium or large
Not a very specific approach to taxonomy but it was used for well over 100 years
The molecular clock is a scientific technique which presents a means of estimating evolutionary rates and timescales using genetic data. It uses mutation rate of biomolecules when two or more life forms diverged to estimate the time. Answer is B.