That building is Supreme court of the United states
The 21st amendment to the united state constitution repealed the 18th emendment to united states contitution.
Democrats had been losing elections in what had long been considered solid Democratic territory in the South. Lyndon B. Johnson, a Democrat who took up the presidency after John F. Kennedy was assassinated, had become associated in the minds of voters with the civil rights movement. The civil rights movement aimed to give black Americans equality. This did not sit well with white voters in the South. In the 1964 presidential election, the Republican candidate, Barry Goldwater, won the states of Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, and South Carolina. Nevertheless, Johnson prevailed and won the election. But it showed conservative Democrats were willing to shift to the Republican party if they felt it more closely aligned with their views.
The Greek city states started colonies in order to:
- A.) to gain access to resources
- C.) they needed space for their populations
The ancient Greeks were mostly made up of men that were sailors as well as those that were explorers.
These people settled regional areas around the Mediterranean sea. The colonies were founded about 700 BC.
These colonies were arranged in order to take care of certain existing problems.
- The overpopulation of Greeks
- Political issues
- Land and hunger