The economy of Ancient Athens was one of the most thriving in the Ancient World, due mostly to the fact that a great deal of Athens' wealth came from trade--both domestic and foreign trade--which greatly enriched the empire.
a country in central Europe: in the Middle Ages the centre of the Holy Roman Empire; dissolved into numerous principalities; united under the leadership of Prussia in 1871 after the Franco-Prussian War; became a republic with reduced size in 1919 after being defeated in World War I; under the dictatorship of Hitler from 1933 to 1945; defeated in World War II and divided by the Allied Powers into four zones, which became established as East and West Germany in the late 1940s; reunified in 1990: a member of the European Union. It is flat and low-lying in the north with plateaus and uplands (including the Black Forest and the Bavarian Alps) in the centre and south. Official language: German. Religion: Christianity. Currency: euro. Capital: Berlin. Pop: 82 114 224 (2017 est). Area: 357 041 sq km (137 825 sq miles)
I think it's war but I'm not really 100% sure on it
No cartoon provided
However both FDR and Lyndon Johnson championed major liberal legislation that aimed at making the lives of ordinarily people better through healthcare,welfare and housing.
FDR came up with the new deal to ease the great depression feelings while Johnson came up with the war on poverty.
Black paper which is gained from selling goods and things like that then white paper which is usually handed by the government