una cosmovisión es
Una filosofía particular de la vida o concepción del mundo.
Even though all of the above reasons may be critical pull factors, we could safely lean towards option B, <em>higher wages</em>, as the most indicative answer. Mexicans did not necessarily get better jobs than they had back in their native country, where they may even have been skilled and educated professionals; in fact, wages may have been significantly higher in comparison to their earnings at home, allowing them for having a better quality of life and affording medical care, which tends to be expensive in the USA. Education is not necessarily free -especially at its highest levels, which would help migrants and their offspring to still further improve their quality of life- but then again, higher wages could open the possibility of accessing some private higher education.
It was possible because it helped him navigate in territories that were completely unknown to him. Thanks to it, he could determine where his ship was based on the position of the sun and the time of the day and he used this to navigate all the way to India.
It is the knowingly act of falsifying an affirmation to tell the truth or giving a false statement under oath, wether be spoken or written when that affirmation can influence the legal result of an official proceeding, this is also know as PERJURY, this is different from false swearing because in this case, this is not an oath required by law, is made voluntarily, and its purpose is not necessarily to influence or mislead anyone.
The correct answer is answer 1 ("The northeast territory was placed under American control").
America's victory in the battle of Lake Erie granted the nation a massive strategic advantage for the rest of the war, which is why it's considered a key factor. Being able to control the lake <u>allowed the US to defend Ohio, Pennsylvania and the west of New York against British attacks; as well as securing victories surrounding the Niagara peninsula; </u><u>and most importantly recover Detroit.</u>
Hope this helps!