To see two old friends whom I scarcely knew at all, and also driving over to east egg are absurd or contradictory statements which characterise paradox
A cover letter gives specific details about previous work experience, while a résumé lists qualifications that make you a viable candidate for a position. A cover letter lets potential employers know that you have accepted another position, while a résumé asks potential employers for a position.
An example of allusion in this would be "Cupid" because he is alluding to the famous character in mythology.
Ex. of an allusion to help you better understand: if it's capitalized in the middle of a sentence, it's sure to be an allusion. An allusion can be a significant place, landmark, or person; for example, Barack Obama or the Eiffel Tower.
An example of a hyperbole from the excerpt would be "sick in love" (I think. Shakespeare is a little tough to understand, even for me, lol) because the statement is exaggerated.
I hope this helped! ♥
C - Personification.
Personification means giving human characteristics or traits to a non-human object. The trees are whispering, which only humans can do.