C. Binary can be used to represent more complex, higher level abstractions, including but not limited to numbers, characters, and colors. D. When data is large enough computers switch to using decimal representation instead of binary, because you can represent larger numbers with fewer digits
Technology has indeed made to audience of sports and entertainment increase rapidly.
Years passed, one will have to go to a sports stadium or an event center before he/she can access sports or entertainment.
But in recent years the introduction of internet has made every person who wishes to, to enjoy entertainment or sports in the comfort of his/her home or wherever he/she may find him/her self.
It has even given the opportunity for those who are not able to make time as and when the event is going on to watch or listen to it later.
The internet is one of the powerful tools that help individuals enjoy entertainment and sports across the world.
The invention of television and radio has also increased the ability for a sportsman or an entertainer to get more fans in just a short period of time.
The shell that is used by default in Linux is the Bash shell.
Well when you think about it they both do the same thing but they are diffirent, they have the same perpose but diffirent parts in them so, when you compair them the phone is smaller and slower, the bigger the computer the better it is depending on the amount of money spent on parts.