Victims of piracy endured torture, floggings, and ceremonies of humiliation, but when brought to justice, the pirates were given such punishments as lengthy prison sentences, transportation to work in the deadly conditions of African mines, or public execution by hanging.
The answer that’s associated with due process is fairness
The answer is below
Spoils system is a form of socio-political governmental practice in which the ruling party compensated its dedicated supporters and those that campaigned heavily for them with a political appointment or government jobs or positions.
Spoils system is considered a problem because it often leads to the employment of people in the government based on party nepotism rather than competency.
It leads to abuse of political power by the ruling party
It increases the acts of bribery and undue influence
Sam Adams used Paul Revere's drawing of the Boston Massacre(which showed Redcoats firing into a crowd of citizens) to persuade colonists.