It is so important in our everyday lives to be able to evaluate if a claim is truly scientifically reliable or not. Often, adver
tisements will claim to have “proven results”. Can you evaluate if this is a reliable claim or not? Give an example of 3 questions you can ask yourself to determine if a claim is scientifically reliable or not:
What is their source? - they could be a part of a marketing scam - the key question is: how do they know? - <span> Who produced it and what background do they have? - what other studies could the group have produced?</span>
Is the main point of the claim proven by evidence? - In order to figure out if something is reliable or not, you have to ask whether it makes sense and whether the conclusions were proven - do the conclusions follow logically from what has been cited, or are they being drawn from evidence that doesn't support them at all?
Do the sources have a bias? - That<span> doesn’t necessarily mean what they have to say isn’t reliable - But think about whether they are a witness to facts or are just describing their opinion </span>