Grendel. Although the same characters appear in both Beowulf and Grendel, their characteristics are not the same. Whereas in Beowulf, the round character would be Beowulf, in Grendel that would be Grendel.
wasss good!
Answer and Explanation:
The author clearly uses a third-person point of view, which can be seen due to the lack of first person pronouns. Whether his point of view is limited or omniscient, however, is impossible to tell just from this part. This passage focuses solely on Mina, and even with her the narrator is not revealing any thoughts. As for creating interest in the story, the author introduces a conflict right from the start: the mysterious red box at Mina's feet. This event makes readers curious as to who left it there and why, and what the box contains.
Easiest topic is and email to a friend with a description of a favorite place to shop or a shopping website and recommending it
I would go with D. band hope i helped
Nonsequential order/description