Squatting to a pet dog before a run will activity create tension in the legs.
Tension in muscle contraction generates tension in the muscle fibers. In natural movements of locomotion the muscle contractions produce changes in length and tension in the muscle fibers of skeletal muscle. The sliding of protein filaments past to each other inside skeletal muscle fiber produces a contraction.
When the muscles is stretched or shortened beyond its normal level a tension which resist the change in the muscle length is felt. Among the above mentioned options the maximum tension can be observed in the following order: squatting to pet a dog > stretching your legs before a run > pressing a car's accelerator pedal > standing for five minutes (no active tension).
I will feel kinda clam and relax
"The cold temperature may cause the capillary refill to be 5 seconds. We should assess further."
Humans should really eat meat because our body are meant for the meat and it can’t cause cancer and many other health problems. All of the myths on meat are actually people blaming something. Meat are proven to be very nutritious and we are actually evolved to eat meat. It is not just the benefits that people will get from the meat but also get the taste. Thus there is no evidence that suggest a non meat diet will give more health benefits than a normal diet.though being a vegetarian is healthier .So humans should eat meat.
i think</h2>
B-your arms and shoulders