Blaster Worm., the worm has been designed to tunnel into your system and allow malicious users to control your computer remotely. A Trojan horse is not a virus. It is a destructive program that looks as a genuine application. Unlike viruses, Trojan horses do not replicate themselves but they can be just as destructive.
A binary system is a system that functions on zeros and ones (0's and 1's).
A decimal system is an Arabic numeric system that has 10 as its base and uses a dot which is also called a decimal point to show fractions.
- A decimal uses ten different digits which is 0-9 while a binary system uses just two digits 0 and 1
- Decimal system was historically a Hindu-Arabic system while the binary system is just an Arabic system
- They are capable of performing arithmetic operations
- They both can be represented in decimal form
An assembler.
Input is (as with any programming language) files with lists of instructions (typically assembler mnemonics), output is a binary format representing these instructions in machine language.
There are 6 octects ( 8 bit numbers ) in a MAC address, so there's 256^6 possible addresses.