Answer: They created Terraces into the mountainside
The Inca dug into the mountain side and created Terraces, which allowed them to filter water down the mountain side, as well as make a steeper ledge, since they did everything by hand, with hand made hoe's made out of branches and stones, they where able to till the ground to plant the seeds. The mountainside dirt was very enriched with minerals, which made it perfect land for farming.
Importance of economic activities in the development of the country: Economic development is a process of directed activities and programs that work to develop the economic comfort and quality of life of a community, Economics affects our daily lives in both obvious and subtle ways. From an individual perspective, economics frames many choices we have to make about work, leisure, consumption, and how much to save. Our lives are also influenced by macro-economic trends, such as inflation, interest rates, and economic growth.
There is a well-known positive association between family income and children's development, including health and academic performance. ... Indeed, multiple successful interventions targeted to young children seem to primarily improve long-term outcomes by enhancing non-academic skills.
Answer: Communications gap
Explanation: The gap in communication is an everyday occurrence in modern society. The speed of life, as well as the large number of commercials, offers, are the reasons for the communication gap. What sociologists and psychologists see as the reason is a lack of empathy, that is, people's unwillingness to understand others in such a busy modern society or to look at the perspective of others. That is why this gap arises, because what one person or party intended to say was not understood by the person who is listening, i.e the recipient. And so in this case, where the advertisement may have stated that the cleaning shop receives laundry for 24 hours and that customers can take over the laundry from 11 am to 7 pm, or there may be some other misunderstanding, there was certainly no complete understanding between what was stated in the commercial and what Thelma understood.