Legitimidad en términos jurídicos. Cuando una norma jurídica es obedecida sin que medie el recurso al monopolio de la ley. Los requisitos que ha de cumplir una norma jurídica para ser legítima son tres: validez, justicia, y eficacia. Esta legitimidad se subdivide en dos: legitimidad formal y material.
<u>Photos</u><u> </u>hung on the <u>East and West</u> sides of the Great Hall balcony in the Ellis Island<u> immigration facility</u><u>.</u>
The Great Hall in Ellis Island was an immigration facility in the United States used by immigrants between 1900- 1924. Here, <u>photos</u> from the early 1920s hung at the <u>balcony</u> on the <u>East and West</u> sides of the <u>registry room </u>located on the<u> second floor</u> of the building.
Notably, at the entry point of the peak immigration, large portraits were hunged on the walls.
For over two decades (1900-1924) immigration service officers inspected legal and medical examinations for the new arrivals of new immigrants.
The most powerful person in ancient Egypt was the pharaoh. The pharaoh was the political and religious leader of the Egyptian people, holding the titles: 'Lord of the Two Lands' and 'High Priest of Every Temple'. He owned all of the land, made laws, collected taxes, and defended Egypt against foreigners. The pharaohs of the New Kingdom used their wealth to build massive temples to the gods. The city of Thebes continued to be the cultural center of the empire. The Temple of Luxor was built at Thebes and grand additions were made to the Temple of Karnak. The unity and strength which characterized the 18th and 19th Dynasties steadily was lost during the 20th. The New Kingdom ended when the priests of Amun grew strong enough to assert their power at Thebes and divide the country between their rule and the pharaoh's at the city of Per-Ramesses.
<em>I apoligize for the long answer, i hope this helped out some~ <3</em>
(A had no bill of rights.
The Anti-Federalist main reason for opposition of the Constitution was it had no bill of right's or protection of individual rights like the Original Articles of Confederation Had, the Bill of Right's was eventually added to the Constitution in the form of the First 10 Amendments in 1791.