Birds such as chicken, doves and others, and earthworms have gizzard which are responsible for storing and softening the consumed food in their digestive tract. The gizzard serves as the grinder of these food in preparation of the absorptive phase of the G.I tract.
We fear flying in a plane, nuclear power plants or being struck by lightning more because our risk perception isn't rational. We assess risks using a mixture of cognitive skills (weighing the evidence, using reasoning and logic to reach conclusions) and emotional appraisals. In this case, we believe that overheating or lack of exercise is something we can control. We believe we can feel the process taking place and we can react in time. We fear all the situations that we cannot control.
In the majority of cases, the extra copy of chromosome 21 comes from the mother in the egg.
In a small percentage (less than 5%) of cases, the extra copy of chromosome 21 comes from the father through the sperm.
In the remaining cases, the error occurs after fertilization, as the embryo grows.
L-form bacteria are distinct from mycoplasmas, because Mycoplasma spp. do not originate from bacteria that normally possess a cell wall. ... Some of these bacteria remain as CWDB (stable L-forms), whereas others revert back to possession of a cell wall (unstable L-forms).
The Answer to this this question would be letter A