a. Only the DNA of β cells contains the gene for insulin; only the DNA of chief cells contains the gene for pepsinogen
As stated in the question above, insulin production is exclusive to β cells in the pancreas. This is because only these cells have a gene that manages the production and excretion of insulin within an organism. Similarly, only the main cells of the stomach have the capacity to produce pepsinogen, which indicates that the gene responsible for managing this production is unique to these cells.
Vascular plants have a vascular system while nonvascular plants have NO vascular system.
The vascular system is made of phloem – that transports food- and xylem- that transports water and minerals- in the higher plants. Examples of these higher plants are like trees and shrubs. These plants can take up water and nutrients from the soil and transport them up the plants to the leaves.
Lower plants have no vascular system (avascular). They mainly absorb food and water readily from their environment even through their leaves. This is why these plants are mainly found in humid areas like waterways, like canals. Examples of such lower plats are ferns and mosses.
The correct answer is D. species.
The definition of a species is termed as a group of interbreeding individuals cannot be easily applied to organisms that they reproduce only or mainly by asexual methods.
Species is termed as the basic unit of classification and taxonomic rank and also unit of biodiversity. It is the largest group of organisms whereby two individuals produce fertile offspring.
They are typically by sexual reproduction. Boundary which is between closely related species they becomes unclear.
The biology in which we study about the life of marine and what they eat and how they eat..ig thats how i will explain idk