Ms- word it is , hope it was helpful
Web protocols are a set of standards used to exchange information. It ensures that code can be modular and portable.
VMs or virtual machines are virtually created environment for multiple operating system on a host operating system. The host operating system has an extension called Hyper-V. The hyper-V manager helps to manage the virtual machine's activities.
The VMs can hold applications in their respective containers, which requires a partition of the storage. So when more VMs are configured, more storage memory is required to store their individual data. The VMs in a computer system can share a network interface card.
B. The process will be terminated by the operating system.
When Round Robin is used for CPU scheduling, a time scheduler which is a component of the operating system is used in regulating the operation. A time limit is set for each of the processes to be run.
So, when a process fails to complete running before its time elapses, the time scheduler would log it off and return it to the queue. This queue is in a circular form and gives each of the processes a chance to run its course.
My experience was comfortable
This website is pretty simple and loads fast, there are a lot of images with high quality but only when you click over of the image this expands in the original size.
I could find really helpful information, there are different subjects, but this is not a website for kids for some adult content.
I didn't need to register any information to share content or if you want to ask something and everything is anonymous.