They began in ancient times the babylons started trading
Answer:the first IP when the traceroute is started is our IP. It is our private IP which is displayed because it is the first hop for the tracing of the route. Hence, our IP is shown in the first statement.
public static void init(int[] arr, int n) {
if (n==0)
arr[0] = 0;
else {
arr[n-1] = n - 1;
init(arr, n-1);
Create a method called init that takes two parameters, an array and the number of elements in the array
When n reaches 0, set the first element to 0 (This is a base for our recursive method)
Otherwise, set the element in index i to i
Call the init inside the init, this is the recursion part, with same array but decrease the number of elements by 1 (We decrease the number of element by 1 in each time so that it goes through all the elements in the array)