D. stabilizes the position of the kidneys by holding them in their normal position
Adipose tissue is a type of connective tissue and is therefore called by some adipose connective tissue. As we saw in the article “Connective Tissue Cells”, adipose tissue is made up of adipose cells, also called adipocytes. Fat tissue specializes in fat storage and is found well below the skin.
Some of our internal organs like kidneys and heart have a layer of adipose tissue lining them. This layer of fat around the organs gives them greater protection against mechanical shock. In addition, in the kidneys, adipose tissue fills the voids between other tissues and helps keep these organs in their normal positions.
Adenosine Triphosphate is a compound used by the cell to store energy. Together with NADP, ATP is responsible for carbon dioxide reduction. Carbon dioxide is said to be reduced when it loses oxygen, reacts with hydrogen or gains electrons. Carbon dioxide becomes part of Glycerate 3-phosphate.
The nurse expects to find a prolonged partial thromboplastin time Icterus of skin swollen abdomen. Laennec's cirrhosis is a disease of the liver in which the normal lobular architecture is lost, with fibrosis and later nodular regeneration. It can be associated with inflammatory polyarthritis, most commonly affecting the shoulders, elbows and knees.
Answer: C. The offspring are genetically distinct from the parents because they are produced by sexual reproduction. Explanation: Sexual reproduction occurs through the fusion between an egg and a sperm cell