they belie we finnna bommmb errrrrbody
I believe that countries such as France and China have instituted language controls in order to protect their national language and heritage.
Even today, a French person will rarely speak to you in any language other than French, even if you don't understand them.
Answer: He didn't provide good structure. He also didn't comply to the needs of the people. The people were unhappy with the government so the government declined.
There exist factors endogenous to all modern Arab monarchical regimes to which we can attribute their resilience in the face of the Arab Spring. The first and perhaps the most important of these in the context of the Arab Spring is that all of the eight monarchies existing today are able to foster a degree of legitimacy in their governance that presidents cannot attest to, deeming the overthrow of the monarchy in the name of democratization a more formidable task that is less imaginable by their people. Furthermore, varying structural factors of the regimes also play a significant role in their resilience. In general, the survival of monarchical regimes is contingent on their institutional flexibility in attentive management of the regime’s coalition of supporters and society at large. The eight modern Arab monarchies vary, however, in their relationship between the regime coalition and society, leading to varying survival strategies.