Outer planets take longer to orbit than inner planets because of the greater distance they need to cover. They also are further from the sun weakening the power of the suns gravitational pull which causes then to orbit slower.
At a thermoneutral ambient temperature, cooling either thermode increased oxygen consumption. In a cold environment, cooling either thermode increased the rate of oxygen consumption more than at a thermoneutral temperature. Heating either thermode tended to decrease oxygen consumption in a cold environment. 3.
In firing a handgun, it is best to have protection in the eyes and ears. It could be seen to those people who are practicing shooting and to those who are authorize to use a hand gun. The reason why these are needed to be protected because firing a hand gun is loud enough that it could damage the ears when not protected and in the same time if eyes is not protected and the hand gun could have any complication or dysfunction, it could affect the eyes.