The system defining hierarchical system based on land ownership, protection & mutual obligation : is called as Feudalism.
It emerged in ancient history of Europe.
It consists of nobility class (land owners), known as 'lords'. They recompense knights, vessels & serfs - by granting them piece of land (called fiefdoms) return of which the latter fight for the former.
According to Nadal (2004), one of the limitations of Asian American models of ethnic identity is that they fail to Address intragroup differences and fully explain the heterogeneity in the Asian/Pacific Islander community.
Volume to which one identifies with a particular ethnic group(s). Refers to at least one's sense of belonging to an ethnic institution and the part of one's questioning perceptions, feelings, and conduct this is due to ethnic institution membership.
An example of ethnic identity is person whose mother and father immigrated from Vietnam identifying as Asian American. some other example of ethnic identification is a black individual identifying as African American. these are personal identities based totally on ethnic historical past.
Ethnic identities are a subset of identification classes in which membership is determined with the aid of attributes associated with, or believed to be associated with, descent (described here definitely as descent-based attributes.
Learn more about ethnic identity
Fleas, bedbugs and lice are insects, whereas ticks and mites belong to another group of arthropods, the Acarina. Unlike adult insects they have only two main sections to their body, and the adults have four pairs of legs (as opposed to three pairs in insects).
People moved to Georgias port cities to find work in the shipyards.