1: above the trees 2: (I think) with the longest tails 3: from the south 4: stood beside me 5: (I think) during the afternoon 6: (I think) later today
7: her 8: me 9: us 10: herself
Yes because Jack is married, looking at Anne, who is looking at a unmarried person
We would be wise to adopt principles that help us live less distracted. However, these distractions are easy to notice. We readily admit that we spend too much time
checking e-mail, watching television, or playing games on our phone. After all, the battle plays out in front of us each day.
In "The Storyteller", by Saki, the theme that is best supported by the story the bachelor tells is <em>Pride comes before a fall.</em>
There are three children with their aunt on a train. They are boisterous. She tries to entertain them with a story about a good girl to whom good things happen. As the children are bored by it the bachelor, who travels in the same train tells them a story about a girl who is "horribly good". She has a lot of medals pinned in her dress and a wolf finds her because her medals make noise. Excessive pride comes before something bad makes you realize that you are not so good.