1: Why the vietnam war was so hard to fight. The war in Vietnam was difficult to fight due to the fact that the terrain was so harsh that it made the americans struggle to survive. There were 58,209 American deaths in the Vietnam war. 10,875 of them were not combat related.
2: Although a military loss, the Tet Offensive was a stunning propaganda victory for the communists. In fact, it is often credited with turning the war in their favor. The South Vietnamese lost morale as Viet Cong guerrillas infiltrated rural areas formerly held by the government.
He died of a neck injury.
John Wilkes Booth, the person who killed President Abraham Lincoln, was fleeing from the authorities. While he was fleeing, he got hurt (injury to his neck). He died hours later.
On January 17, 1961, Dwight D. Eisenhower ends his presidential term by ... since Ike had famously served the nation as military commander of the Allied forces ... concerns about the growing influence of what he termed the military-industrial complex. Before and during the Second World War, American