Yes, with our consititution we can add amendments or retract them by adding on more amendments. This is seen with prohibition where we outlawed drinking, we later added an amendment that make drinking legal once again. Another example is in our consitituiton we limited African American worth to 3/5 and later this was abolished. The founding fathers knew that what was the norm in 1776 would not be the norm in 2019 so they allow changes to the document.
The correct answer is a) Humanistic
Humanistic therapies focus on the person-centered approach. The primary objective of humanistic therapy is to promote healthy self and to achieve a higher level of self-actualization. Humanistic therapies cover a wide range of area of human life and help in improving the quality of life. These therapies also assist the people in enhancing their personal, social and occupational function for a healthy life
.When it comes to assembling, motivating and keeping a great team happy so that they can flourish in your business, the truth is that it's a bit of both.
There's no way to overstate how important a great team is to a business' success. The quality of the work you do will exceeds the quality of the team behind it. Yet to many an entrepreneur's and manager's dismay, teambuilding often seems as complicated as watch making--there are a lot of moving parts and things have to be just right in order to create something magical.