I assume that the context is story-telling and the high point refers to the high point of the story, or the one moment in which the decision is made that will influence the rest of the story: this is called climax (answer a).
The conflict might happen before the climax, and lead to it.
Primates usually have five digits on each limb, with a fibrous protein forming the main structural constituent of nails on the end of each finger and toe. They have sensitive pads on the fingertips on the bottom sides of the hands and feet. Most primates can move toward and touch the other digits on the same thumbs, flat, and short fingernails.
Darius was the third Persian ruler after Cyrus the Great. Darius was very instrumental to the building of the temple in Jerusalem, by the sixth year of this reign the second Temple had been completed after permission had been earlier given about 16 years ago by Cyrus but there wasn't action to match this permission Darius allowed the construction to proceed against all odds and not only did he do that, he also helped the construction efforts along by providing resources from his royal treasury.
The EPA was established to protect human health and our environment with certain laws.