1. In<u>ductive argument</u>.
2. <u>Inductive argument.</u>
3. <u>Deductve argument.</u>
1. This argument is inductive. The conclusion is a generalization, that is drawn by a premise, the premise has been obtained out of experimentation.
If two grains of sand have diamons, it doesn´t mean the entire beach is made of them. This argument is not strong because the conclusion is not accurate.
2. This is a deductive argument. This type of argument depends on the logic struture of it. If the premise were to be true, the conclusion would be true also.
It is not a sound argument, because thanksgiving happends every fourth thursday of november. It is an invalid argument because the premise is false, there for the concusion is false.
3. This is an invalid deductive argument. The premise is incorrect, so the conclusion that is being deduce from it is also wrong. It is not a sound argument because if you double the length of the sides of a square, the area would quatriple.
Retroactive interference
Retroactive Interference: The retroactive interference refers to the process when a particular piece of information being similar in the format of the information that an individual wants to recall.
In other words, the term retroactive interference refers to the process when a recent information hinders in the recall of the older information.
Example: A boy calls his ex-girlfriend by his current girlfriend's name.
In the question above, Jessica's problem is most likely due to the retroactive interference.