Yes you can. You can because by looking at the art you can tell what the meaning is just by looking at it. When i am in art class i do the same thing
Sewing tiny glass beads onto the hide to create geometric patterns
Without wasting money, A., because many clothes that people think are "in style" are quite expensive, and people end up spending more than they make. They purchase too much, or purchase clothes with too high of a price, but they really don't actually need all of the clothes, so that counts as wasting. Also, depleting money can't be because that means deleting money, (how the heck are you gonna do that? :P), it's not spending money, because in order to get clothes, (or get fabric to MAKE clothes), you DO have to spend money in order to get it. Finally, WHY ON EARTH WOULD YOU CONSUME MONEY?!?!? :P Consuming means eating, so why would you eat money, when you could use it to donate to the poor, or help feed hungry children, or even help pay for some supplies to build houses for homeless people?
Look, some advice from me is that instead of trying to "fit in", or be in the "latest style", you could really change someone's life and become popular for your good DEEDS, not for what you WEAR.
Be that change that you wish to see in this world.
I hope I helped! =D