<h3>Terms in this set (4)</h3><h3>Political division first surfaced over the financial plan developed by Secretary of the Treasury Hamilton in 1790 and 1791. Hamilton's vision of powerful commercial republic, in this plan won over financers, manufactures, and merchants.</h3>
Actually, this post or letter illustrates the daily or day-to-day happenings of “Marion’s Men.” Marion wrote this letter to Colonel Peter Horry, his subordinate, after General Gate’s defeat at Camden. “Marion’s Men,” were not there or present at the battle since they were out destroying enemy transportation and lines of communication , a specialty of his troops. While working this letter, he was retreating from Camden to Lynch’s Creek in present day Kershaw Country. The letter contains news of Marion’s recent accomplishments and includes an inventory of British troops and supplies captured. Marion expresses a need for more ammunition, arms, horses and supplies. While short on supplies throughout much of the war, Marion and his men effectively frustrated British actions as the Patriots struggled to hold on to South Carolina.
hope it helps.
The generality of Article III of the Constitution raised questions that Congress had to address in the Judiciary Act of 1789. These questions had no easy answers, and the solutions to them were achieved politically. The First Congress decided that it could regulate the jurisdiction of all Federal courts, and in the Judiciary Act of 1789, Congress established with great particularity a limited jurisdiction for the district and circuit courts, gave the Supreme Court the original jurisdiction provided for in the Constitution, and granted the Court appellate jurisdiction in cases from the Federal circuit courts and from the state courts where those courts rulings had rejected Federal claims. The decision to grant Federal courts a jurisdiction more restrictive than that allowed by the Constitution represented a recognition by the Congress that the people of the United States would not find a full-blown Federal court system palatable at that time.
For nearly all of the next century the judicial system remained essentially as established by the Judiciary Act of 1789. Only after the country had expanded across a continent and had been torn apart by civil war were major changes made. A separate tier of appellate circuit courts created in 1891 removed the burden of circuit riding from the shoulders of the Supreme Court justices, but otherwise left intact the judicial structure.
i hope this helps
<span>Duverger's Law notes that two-party systems will tend to form when the voting style is a winner-take-all majority system. When there is a proportional representation system in place (such as in many parliaments), there will tend to be multi-party representation. Third-party candidates tend to be shut out in plurality/majority single-member electoral districts.</span>
On July 4, 1826, less than two years before "King Andrew" ascended to the "throne," the Yankee John Adams and the aristocratic Virginian Thomas Jefferson both passed away. America's Revolutionary generation was gone. With them went the last vestiges of the Federalist and Democratic-Republican <span>parties.</span>