Mouth- chews and mixed food with saliva
Pharynx- Directs food from mouth to esophagus
Salivary glands- secrete saliva
Epiglottis - Protects airways during swallowing
Trachea- let the air to pass to and from lungs
Esophagus- Pass
through the food from the mouth then to
the stomach
Esophageal sphincters- let the pass way from mouth to
esophagus and from esophagus to stomach, to avoid back flow from stomach to
esophagus and from esophagus to mouth.
Diaphram- Segregate the abdomen from the thoracic activity
Stomach- grinds food to a liquid mass churns, mixes, and;
adds acid, enzymes, and fluid
pyloric sphincter: Allows passage from stomach to small
intestine; prevents back flow from small intestine
Liver- detergent-like substances, to help digest fats and Manufactures
bile salts,
Gallbladder- stock bile until needed
Bile Duct- Conducts bile from the gallbladder to the small
Appendix- House bacteria and lymph cells
Small intestine- Secretes enzymes that digest all energy-
yielding nutrients to smaller nutrient particles; cells of wall absorb
nutrients into blood and lymph
llececal valve (sphincter) – is the pass way from small to large intestine; to avoid back
flow from large intestine
Pancreas- produced enzymes to digest all energy- yielding
nutrients and releases bicarbonate to neutralize acid chyme that enters the small
Pancreatic duct- secretes pancreatic juice from the pancreas
to the small intestine
Large intestine- passes waste along with water to rectum and
Absorbs water and minerals;
Rectum – Stocks water
prior to elimination
anus- opens to allow
elimination, holds rectum closed.