The goal of the freedom riders was desegregation of buses and bus terminals
Barbary corsairs led attacks upon American merchant shipping in an attempt to extort ransom for the lives of captured sailors, and ultimately tribute from the United States to avoid further attacks, as they did with the various European states.
A British officer recognized him and shot him in the head. Joseph Warren died instantly.
Explanation:Catholics were in the minority,and lord Baltimore wanted to make sure that their eofhys were protected
Correct answer: A. People have natural rights and government is based on a contract.
English philosopher John Locke believed that all human beings have certain natural rights which are to be protected and preserved. Locke's ideal was one that promoted individual freedom and equal rights and opportunity for all. Each individual's well-being (life, health, liberty, possessions) should be served by the way government and society are arranged.
Thus, In his political theory, Locke argued the idea of a "social contract." According to his view, a government's power to govern comes from the consent of the people themselves -- those who are to be governed. This was a change from the previous ideas of "divine right monarchy" -- that a king ruled because God appointed him to be the ruler. Locke repudiated the views of divine right monarchy in his <em>First Treatise on Civil Government.</em> In his <em>Second Treatise on Civil Government</em>, Locke argued for the rights of the people to create their own governments according to their own desires and for the sake of protecting their own life, liberty, and property. This includes the right to replace an unjust government with one that properly serves the people's rights.