Un potencial de acción ocurre cuando una neurona envía información a un axón, lejos del cuerpo celular. Los neurocientíficos usan otras palabras, como un "pico" o un "impulso" para el potencial de acción. El potencial de acción es una explosión de actividad eléctrica creada por una corriente de despolarización.
Cloud seeding
Another instance where supercooled and mixed-phase clouds are studied extensively is related to cloud seeding and weather modification. Cloud seeding involves the addition of aerosol, such as silver iodide aerosol, that modifies the phase and size distribution of hydrometeors. The goal of cloud seeding is to alter the natural development of the cloud to enhance precipitation, suppress hail, dissipate fog, or reduce lightning. Various cloud seeding techniques are employed, as particles are released from rockets, aircraft, or ground. The seeding of ice-phase clouds can induce the phase transition from a supercooled water cloud to one composed of ice. In the case of dynamic cloud seeding, the purpose is to stimulate vertical air motions through increased buoyancy caused by the release of latent heat of freezing (Hobbs, 1975; Cotton and Pielke, 1995).
Maize is a monocot.
It has seed with one cotyledon.
Adventitious root system present.
No cambium present.
While, mango is dicot.
Seed with two cotyledon.
Tap root system.
Cambium present.
Answer: B
Explanation: Mars and Venus are terrestrial so a planet in between would be as well