1A. Where were you when the earthquake happened?
B. I drove to work at the time
2A. What did you do at ten o'clock yesterday morning?
B. I helped my dad plant flowers in the garden
4A. Do you want to come to the cinema tonight?
B. I'm afraid I met Diane
3A. Do you get any plans for this summer?
When you preview something, you inspect it. Previewing helps you get a glimpse of what's ahead before you read or something, kind of like skimming.
That would be a fragment. Its not a complete sentence
The language and tone make it mysterious. It creates a sense of suspense and thrill.
Prometheus was only thinking of the future and was getting things ready for the future. He felt people will be happy if there was fire and asked God for fire.Pandora was a beautiful girl gifted with wisdom, beauty, curiosity and other qualities. She lived happily with Prometheus. But the curiosity in her made her open the box which her father gave her. Out of the box came ugly demons with a rustling sound. They moved around the place creating pain and sorrow to all the people.
Answer: They indicate that Nixon had plans for domestic and international improvements.
On August 8, 1968, in his acceptance speech at the Republican convention in Miami Beach, Florida, Nixon shared his enthusiasm that the hostility with the Soviet Union will be eased. In this particular excerpt, he claims that the<em> "era of negotiation"</em> begins. This indicates that Nixon strove for domestic, but also international improvements. He wanted to improve the United States' foreign relations.